Welcome to the Norwegian Prescription Database

The Norwegian Prescription Database (NorPD) contains data about dispensed drugs in Norway. You can find information about the users of a particular drug or drug class. The data can be split by sex, age and geography. For more information about the NorPD, see the website for The Norwegian Institute of Public Health.

Use of Data

The Norwegian Institute of Public Health (NIPH) permits that reports from this website may be stored electronically, printed, reproduced and further processed as long as the source «Norwegian Prescription Database, The Norwegian Institute of Public Health (NIPH)» is cited on every report, table or figure.
Data from the Prescription Database is intended for general scientific research purposes, statistical analysis and planning. The privacy of the individual is strictly protected and data is anonymous.

NIPH is not responsible for interpretation or analysis performed by third parties.

Data for 2021 will not be published on norpd.no
Norpd.no will not be updated with data from 2021. This is due to that the Norwegian Prescription Database (Reseptregisteret) will be replaced by the Norwegian Prescribed Drug Registry (Legemiddelregisteret). Statistical drug data will not be available before a similar solution is established for the Norwegian Prescribed Drug Registry. Unfortunately the date for when this solution will be available is not decided. Selected data on drug use for 2021 has been published in Norgeshelsa , https://norgeshelsa.no/norgeshelsa/.

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